Our Beliefs

  • We believe that we are only one part of Christ’s universal Church and share with believers in other communions one Lord, one faith, and one baptism.
  • With other Protestants we affirm the priority of salvation by grace alone through faith in Christ, the priesthood of all believers, and the Bible as the final rule of Christian faith and practice.
  • We believe that the Old and New Testaments reveal God’s will for all persons concerning sin, salvation, and new life in Christ.
  • We affirm that Christ’s death atoned for the sins of all people, and that this grace is effective for the salvation of each person who accepts it.
  • We believe that Christians are justified and sanctified by faith alone.
  • We believe that Christ’s sanctifying grace is received initially in the New Birth (regeneration) when the Holy Spirit plants a new principle of spiritual life within, and that sanctifying grace increases as we live life through the Spirit. We affirm that entire sanctification is a gracious provision and possibility for all believers, in which the heart is cleansed of all sin and overflows with love for God and neighbor.


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